Eggs & Sweet Potato Hashbrowns

This makes a great breakfast when you have a little extra time.  Follows the Bright Line Eating weight loss plan. Serve with 6oz fruit.

Eggs Sweet Potato Hashbrowns
  • ·         4oz raw sweet potato, grated
  • ·         2tsp coconut oil
  • ·         2 eggs
  • ·         Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste


Melt the oil in a small bowl.  Peel and grate the sweet potato, and toss it thoroughly with the oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder.  

Transfer to a small non-stick fry pan that is oven safe, and pat potato mixture to cover bottom.  Make two “holes” in the center. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 20 minutes until the potatoes start to crisp up around the edges.

Remove from oven (use that potholder!) and crack an egg into each hole before returning to the oven until the eggs are set and done to your liking. Transfer to a plate using a spatula.

Note: Although the weight loss plan doesn’t include fat at breakfast, I do occasionally use some on a day when I can plan my lunch or dinner without any fat.

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