Glazed Brussel Sprouts

Making chef-inspired Brussel sprouts in your own kitchen is very easy.  Recipe is for one 8 ounce serving. But I often double this to have leftovers for lunch the next day. 

  • ·         8oz Brussel sprouts.  Although the size of sprouts can vary, this is generally 9-13
  • ·         2 tsp olive oil (or coconut oil)
  • ·         2-3 tsp  aged balsamic vinegar
  • ·         Salt and pepper to taste.  I generally use pepper but not any salt


Wash sprouts, slice off the tough stem end, and slice in half through stem to tip.

Put sprouts in a single layer in a non-stick fry pan and add 2/3 cup water.  Cook on high heat to steam them until bright green and tender; if the sprouts aren’t done enough just add a bit more water and continue steam cooking.

With all liquid cooked off, add 2 tsp olive or coconut oil and stirfry on medium heat about five minutes until sprouts become very browned and slightly crisp on some edges.  Turn off the heat.

Drizzle the vinegar over the sprouts and toss lightly.  Leave in the pan until you’re ready to serve them, and add salt and pepper at the table if desired.

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