Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Willpower And Weight Loss

Countless times I would proclaim that I'm going to start making better food choices and stick to a plan once and for all.  I'd get all organized about it, trying to get myself psyched up for "day 1", and I could generally get through three or four days of making healthy choices morning, noon and night. But as Friday approached I'd feel myself slipping, relying on snacks during the day to prop myself up, the fast food drive-thrus looking more and more tempting than the dinner foods I already had at home, and often feeling unsatisfied after I'd already eaten dinner to the point of returning to the kitchen to find a snack.

Sometimes I'd make it through the weekend and somehow feel energized enough to continue sticking to my new food plan right through that second week.  But instead of getting easier, it felt like I was pushing a boulder uphill all the way.  I'd feel tired of it, deprived, and asking "why me?"  It seemed that with each new day I could get off on the right foot with breakfast and even do well at lunch time, but by late afternoon and certainly by dinner time I would start to cave. Soon enough my choices would just spiraled back to my poor but familiar old habits.  By this point my inner voice was not only giving me permission to eat whatever I wanted at meals or snack time, it also seemed to urge me to indulge more because, after all, I'd been so "good" in the hours or days prior.

So then I would also feel blindly upset and disgusted with myself. I felt inept, unworthy, and in a very blue mood.  I'd say to myself over and over some variation of this: "You're a fairly intelligent, motivated and goal oriented person in many other aspects of your life so what the heck is WRONG with you?!"

**  Update October 9, 2016:  the video series is no longer available, and the registration for the October bootcamp has closed.  I'll update here when the video series is available again. The next bootcamp is likely to be January or February 2017.  **

When I watched the second video in Susan Pierce Thompson's free series I finally understood what was going on and why I couldn't stick to a plan even though intellectually I knew how vital it was to my long-term well-being. In this video she points out that I mistakenly thought my willpower would get me through until new, good eating habits would be instilled. She helped me realize that there is nothing wrong with me!  Instead the assumptions I had about how to diet and make good choices would not and could not work for me and in fact were often working against me.

Click here to watch this video.

When you go on a diet do you end up in a cycle similar to what I was?  Do you find you just can't seem to "be good" over the long-haul no matter how committed you were at the start?  Do you attribute all your extra weight to those late afternoon snacks or night-time eating as a way to unwind after a long day?  If so, this video titled "Don't Make The One Mistake Most People Do When Trying To Lose Weight." will likely uncover the fatal mistake you're making. While this video is about 40 minutes long, it's worth the time investment as no doubt you'll have a few "a-ha!" moments and be able to see the cycle of "good" and "bad" choices (what I like to refer to the "hamster wheel of dieting") in a new light.  And like me, you'll probably end up feeling better about yourself just from having the truth shared in this video.

The first video "Conquer Your Hunger and Cravings" is still available, and you can reach it by taking the Food Freedom Quiz.  Yes, you need to provide your email address, but you can opt out anytime, even right after you've watched the video.

Thank-you for reading this and hearing my story. I received many comments from my first post and feel so humbled and grateful for each and every one of you!

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